Jim O'Connor

Computer Science Department Tech

Lab Specialist

Connecticut College Department of Computer Science

Previously part of the Vision, Assistive Devices, and Experimental Robotics, or VADER lab at Lehigh University.

I'm now (and was previously) part of the Autonomous Agent Learning Lab, or AALL, with Prof. Gary Parker.

This semester I'm assisting with COM407 and COM495/6.

My research area is in artificial intelligence for abstract and deterministic games like Chess, Shogi, and Go. I also do research in mobile and probabilistic robotics.

You can find a list of my current and potential research projects here. If you're interested in doing research with me, check that page and shoot me an email.

Here is a listing of my publications.

Here are my current research students.

Pictures and videos of robots and projects I've worked on:


Office: New London Hall 217

Email: joconno2 at conncoll